Well, it's that time of year when we are supposed to stop and think about what we are thankful for. I know that ideally we would think about it all through the year, and I do try, but sometimes I forget to. So here's a list of what I am thankful for (in no particular order)
-Kailyn. She is the most wonderful thing in my life and I would trade anything and everything for her. I honestly feel like no one in the history of the world has ever loved and adored another human as much as I love and adore her.
-John, he has put up with me for over 8 years, and lived to tell the tale!!! He has changed so much since we met (as have I) and he continues to impress me every day. I love him so much now, it's hard to believe that I considered it love in the beginning! I am truly lucky to have a man who loves me and my flaws :)
-My parents, they are constantly there when I need them. That is priceless. Not to mention that Kailyn needs them involved in her daily life, she calls them all the time, and when she asks them to come over and kiss her knee when she falls, they do, no matter what time it is, or what they were doing.
-My brother, sister, and sister-in-law. We may not talk everyday, but I know they are there if I need them, and that is a comforting thought.
-My home. It's safe, warm, and comfortable. I have so many memories in the house, and think that I've painted it more in the 3 years we've lived here, than in it's entire life before us!!! I get sick of the same look all the time, you know?
-My car. I know that may seem silly, but I'm in the car a lot, so I'm glad I have one. I'm also glad that I have a reliable vehicle that I like. I've had reliable before, but it wasn't as pretty.
-My religion. It comforts me, it strengthens me, and it makes me thankful for my trials. I've never had a trial that didn't make me stronger. When I wanted to quit one semester, I only needed to pray (a LOT) and that helped me get through it all. I kept on, even when my body wanted me to stop. My denomination (LDS) also gives me the additional knowledge that a family is an eternal thing, and death will not separate me from my family, and it is my duty to work towards that every day of my life. Life is a joy and a blessing, and eternity is even better.
-John's job. He works waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much (that "way" should be longer, but you get the point.) He likes what he does though, so he's an overall happier person because of it.
-My degree, it is a mish mosh of knowledge that helps me in everything from money, to parenting, to nutrition, to psychology, to even reading blue prints. I tell you, it comes in handy.
That's all I've got for now, but I know there is so much more. I hope you all enjoyed your time off, and I hope you got to spend it with those most dear to you.