Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Years Resolutions

This year the only resolutions I am making are the ones I can keep. Say good bye to the old ones, lose weight, save more money, stop yelling, get in shape, keep my house spotless at all time, go on a date with John at least twice a month, read a book a month, take up a hobby, and whatever else I can think of. I've made them and broken them in the past. This year will be different, I am going to stick to my guns this year. I'll find the willpower that has always evaded me in the past. So here's to a new year and a new life. A life where goals are kept. So here are my goals for the year.
I will yell at least 5 times a week!
I will attempt to set up dates with John and make sure to hardly ever follow through!
I will gain weight this year!
I will make sure that at least once a week, I have a mess in my house somewhere that needs to me picked up, a mess that is big enough to bother me!
I want to look a little more frumpy/rounded this year. No need for toned and tight!
I want to put off reading books that are recommended to me and ignore at least half of them.
I will make sure to take up no hobbies!
Last but not least, I want more wrinkles! Yes WRINKLES!!!

I think I can accomplish these, what about you?

Friday, December 26, 2008

Bagpipes :(

So I have this neighbor who plays the bagpipes. Yup the bagpipes. This is not an attractive instrument, and it sounds like a sick moose's mating call mixed with a drunk bull frog with a wee bit of scared cat. Well, at least that's what it sounds like when my neighbor plays. He is very dedicated. He practices almost daily, right in the middle of the day. I didn't sleep well at all last night so I thought I'd try and take a little 20 minute power nap before the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert, so I set my alarm, laid down my head and turned off the TV, only to hear the beginning of bag pipe practice. Ever slept while someone plays Amazing Grace on the freaking bag pipes just 10 yards away from your bedroom window? No, of course you haven't, not because you don't know anyone who plays the bagpipes, but because it isn't possible to sleep under those conditions. There is a small change those pipes may bust by next weekend.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Baby it's cold outside.

The joys of ice....
I really have enjoyed the weather lately. Some of my favorite things about the bad weather are....
-you can skip errands,and have a good excuse to do so
-it is a good reason to hold your kids hand and RUN into the store (literally run)
-for some reason it is always funny when you slip around
-The dog just doesn't seem to know to walk on it. She just prances around on it.
-Warm baked goods are a necessity (like I need an excuse to eat sweets)

I even get a kick out of driving on ice. I mean I obey ALL of those silly traffic laws when the road is covered in a nice smooth sheet of ice. I actually went 20mph down the road, I don't think I've ever done that before, even though that is the posted speed limit. I also obeyed the "safe following distance" rule, even though I usually ignore it (no, I don't drive on your butt, but I am close enough to get a good look at it. Not to mention actually checking the intersection before going through it, just in case someone else isn't stopping.

This being said, I can't wait for spring.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

DWI Kills?

So the other day on my way to Target (of course) I saw a white sports car that said DWI kills. Upon further inspection I saw a little girl 8 maybe, in the front seat, no car seat, just sitting in the front of a sports car, on the way to the interstate. This car had a back seat mind you! I was furious, ya, DWI kills, know what else kills? Ignorant mothers who don’t take the time to realize how dangerous letting a small child ride in the front seat is! In the even of a crash if the seat belt didn’t kill her (from not fitting properly because of the child’s size) the air bag would! We won’t get into specifics, but it is a horrible way to go if a child is hit by an airbag. Why do these people get to procreate?

Here are Arkansas child safety guidelines:

-Children under 60 pounds, irregardless of age, MUST use a safety seat.
-Sitting in the front seat is not “recommended” unless the child is at least 12 years of age.
-All minors must be buckled.
-Rear facing until 1 year and 20 lbs. This has to do with spinal development, don’t tamper with this rule. It can easily lead to death or paralysis.

I know I seem hard core, but there are these rules for a reason. I know when we were kids these rules weren’t in play, but, when we were kids the infant crash mortality rate was significantly higher. Accidents are still the number one killer of children under the age of 10.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Well, it's that time of year when we are supposed to stop and think about what we are thankful for. I know that ideally we would think about it all through the year, and I do try, but sometimes I forget to. So here's a list of what I am thankful for (in no particular order)
-Kailyn. She is the most wonderful thing in my life and I would trade anything and everything for her. I honestly feel like no one in the history of the world has ever loved and adored another human as much as I love and adore her.
-John, he has put up with me for over 8 years, and lived to tell the tale!!! He has changed so much since we met (as have I) and he continues to impress me every day. I love him so much now, it's hard to believe that I considered it love in the beginning! I am truly lucky to have a man who loves me and my flaws :)
-My parents, they are constantly there when I need them. That is priceless. Not to mention that Kailyn needs them involved in her daily life, she calls them all the time, and when she asks them to come over and kiss her knee when she falls, they do, no matter what time it is, or what they were doing.
-My brother, sister, and sister-in-law. We may not talk everyday, but I know they are there if I need them, and that is a comforting thought.
-My home. It's safe, warm, and comfortable. I have so many memories in the house, and think that I've painted it more in the 3 years we've lived here, than in it's entire life before us!!! I get sick of the same look all the time, you know?
-My car. I know that may seem silly, but I'm in the car a lot, so I'm glad I have one. I'm also glad that I have a reliable vehicle that I like. I've had reliable before, but it wasn't as pretty.
-My religion. It comforts me, it strengthens me, and it makes me thankful for my trials. I've never had a trial that didn't make me stronger. When I wanted to quit one semester, I only needed to pray (a LOT) and that helped me get through it all. I kept on, even when my body wanted me to stop. My denomination (LDS) also gives me the additional knowledge that a family is an eternal thing, and death will not separate me from my family, and it is my duty to work towards that every day of my life. Life is a joy and a blessing, and eternity is even better.
-John's job. He works waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much (that "way" should be longer, but you get the point.) He likes what he does though, so he's an overall happier person because of it.
-My degree, it is a mish mosh of knowledge that helps me in everything from money, to parenting, to nutrition, to psychology, to even reading blue prints. I tell you, it comes in handy.

That's all I've got for now, but I know there is so much more. I hope you all enjoyed your time off, and I hope you got to spend it with those most dear to you.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Addicted to Ice

I LOVE to chew on ice. I sometimes go make myself and nice big cup of crushed ice. It is delicious! I want to eat it all day, every day. I'm pretty sure I could just stop eating all together if I would fully indulge my ice eating habits. This started back at the end of February when I was in a particualarly horrible situation. I was stressed, and well, I had no control over any of it. I soon after noticed my stomach was hurting. I began eating ice, a LOT. This went on until the last week in April, when I woke up in horrible pain (I'd been doing that for a few weeks) and was going to eat some more Tums, but realized, Tums wouldn't help, I was sooo nauseated. I ran to the bathroom and (don't read this if you have a week stomach) and threw up. I noticed it was very metallic in taste so I flipped on the light, and was shocked to find out it was red. I decided it was time to go to the doctor (I know, I know, DUH, I should have gone a month ago, but I hate doctors and I hate wussy people.) I made the arrangements that morning, and after some blood work, found out my hemoglobin was very low and needless to say I was anemic, and my overall blood count was low. This was caused by a severe case of gastritis. This gastritis was also the reason I lost a wonderful 15 pounds (in a matter of just 3 weeks, don't feel sorry for me though, cause dangit, I looked good, well besides the fact my face had no color and even my gums had turned white.) Gastritis in an inflammation in the lining of your stomach, that had caused me to bleed. I was told to be on bed rest, and to take iron supplements, or just be a big girl and go to the hospital. I picked the bed rest. I realized then that my ice chewing was related to my anemia. Here's what mayo clinic says about that:
It's not known why some people with iron deficiency anemia crave and chew ice. Researchers from one recent study suggested it may be because of ice's pain-relieving properties, since some people with iron deficiency anemia experience tongue pain and inflammation (glossitis). The same researchers found that ice has a new and better taste to some people who are iron deficient.

I must concur. Ice is delicious! I don't think I'm anemic now, I think I just really love how it tastes. Which is funny, because I don't like the taste of water. Any who, I know it's bad for my teeth, but goodness, it tastes wonderful. When I'm done eating lunch I just want to sit there and eat my ice, it takes all I have to walk away. In fact I was at a special luncheon sitting next to the head of our department at school, and while she was talking to me, all I could think of is "how tacky would it be for me to get a big ol bunch of ice and chew on it." I resisted the urge but the second she turned to greet someone else I took a big swig of my drink and let some of that sweet wonderful ice get in my mouth so I could chew on it. AAAhhh relief! I'm no longer stressed, but I just can't kick the habit. It's so good. In fact I'm eating some now, I just poured my drink down the drain in order to access the ice more easily!! YUMMY!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Doe's Eat Place

Melanie and I went to the newest restaurant in Conway to get some dinner last night, but it turns out we didn't eat there. Once again, Melanie and I have attempted to eat, and it hasn't worked out as planned. Turns out their dinner menu consists of seafood (gag me) fish (I don't eat things that breath in poopy pond water) and steak. The food is in large portions meant to be shared, so since Melanie had no one to share her food with, we left. This little outing reminded us or our visit to Sonic we made a while back.
Here's the story (names have been left out to save the dignity of the people):
Once upon a time there was a beautiful blond headed girl who is a little bit too high maintenance and another amazing, smart, funny, energetic, mother of the year type (haahhahahahaaa.) These two happened to be working at the same place temporarily and both had been talking on their way to work, stating they were hungry. Both wanted breakfast food, but it was after the deadly cut off breakfast time of 10:30, so Sonic was the decided dining location. Well, The mother of the year jumped into the beautiful blonds car, and off they went. They order their food, and are ready to pay, then the mother of the year realized she left her purse, and had no money. Well, the blond being the wonderful girl she was, said, "don't worry friend, I'll pay for you" and she went to grab her debit card. Turns out, she had no wallet. Well, moty (mom of the year) said "hey, I have an account at that Bank of America over there, but we never use it, maybe I have enough left in there. I'll go over there and see if I can withdraw some cash!" Off she went. She found out she only had like $5 in that account, not the needed $8. Well, turns out a teller just gave her a 10 dollar bill and said to pay her back whenever she came back that way. (this is no lie people, it really happened this way.) Well moty was so excited, there would be breakfast, there would be food! During this time, Melanie (oops, I'll just use names now I guess) had already had a conversation with the lady who brought the food and she said it was okay, we could pay her later, but please do it before her shift ends, or she'd have to pay for it. So the beautiful blond was already laughing, at herself when I ran back into the parking lot. Well I was so excited I just opened the door and jumped in. I turned to tell Melanie of my new found money I realized, "hey, that's not Melanie!" I had opened the wrong door! It was a white suv, but not the one I came in. I mean, I was IN her car, sitting in her passenger seat! I told the terrified, wide-eyed- open-mouthed girl, "oh, sorry, wrong car" and hopped out of the strangers car to go over to Melanie's car. Melanie was laughing hysterically at me. Finally she told me that she'd found a credit card in her car and had put it in to try and pay, only for it to break off in there. We had to go tell the manager that the card was stuck in the machine, but we finally had cash to pay for the food! The manager was mad that Melanie had "broken" his expensive machine. So to sum it up, I borrowed money from a stranger, Melanie practically stole our food (I mean she took it without paying!) and then she broke the credit card machine, made the manager mad, oh and I tried to get in a strangers car, can't forget that. OH, what a day.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Kailyn did this before conferences. I thought it was so cute. I think maybe I love on her too much...

It says:
My mom loves me. Mom hugs me and kisses me too. She does it at home because she doesn't want people to see her. She always kisses me and hugs me. The end.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Laundry is the worst of all household chores. I hate it. I don't usually mind washing and drying the clothes as long as someone else will do the folding and putting away, however, lately our dryer has been falling down on the job.
First of all, our home was poorly designed. Our laundry room is in the middle of the house (kind of) and the back of the dryer faces north, the vent for the dryer goes out a south facing wall. What? Who would do that? Oh, ya the idiot that designed this lovely home of mine (this is said spitefully because I'm annoyed.) The vent hose has 2 90 degree turns to make, and we all know how well moist lint filled air travels. Twice a year I have to have a chimney sweep (yes a chimney flippin sweep) come out and clean out my vent hose. When it is that lovely time of year I know because it will take 1 1/2 cycles to dry a medium/large load. Forbid I do something crazy like an extra large load. A couple of years ago when the dryer was insanely bad and the washer was squeaking I had a repair man come take a look at them. The washer, of course, refused to squeak, but he did look at the dryer and explain that this model holds lint and then explained that I needed a chimney sweep to come clean out my vent. He took the dryer apart and it looked like one huge lint ball, he vacuumed it out and put it back together charged my a hefty sum and left. Well the chimney sweep came out that day too and by the time I got home that evening I dried a load and was amazed! It dried about as fast as the washer washed. I was soo happy. I thought it was worth all the money I just threw at it! Well, it is slow again and the last time I just had a chimney sweep out, and I wasn't as impressed with the results. It was better, but not great. This time I decided "hey, I'm handy, I'll vaccum the dryer." Well, turns out I'm not handy I'm stupid and cheap.
I pulled the dryer out from the wall, unplugged it and took a good look at it. I looked on the internet for directions and wasn't impressed. I decided, how hard can this be? (I'm laughing at my dumb self right now) I got out John's ratchet set, found the proper thingy, but couldn't find the attachment to make the thingy go on the ratchet. I improvised (this part is embarrassing so I'm leaving it out, just trust me I'm improvised and it worked) I disassembled the back, allowing me to take off the top. I was impressed with myself. However, all I could see was the drum not to mention there were wires attaching the top the the motor, so I couldn't move it much. I then undid some screws for the front of the washer and realized it was still attached to the dumb drum. I also couldn't get the lower front off, which is what I really wanted to do anyway! I tried and tried and then admitted defeat and reassembled the top and back. What, you say what about screwing in the front? Oh, don't worry I forgot it. So I unscrewed the top, screwed the front back on and the re screwed the top. Then I was moving it back the begin the acrobatic part of re hooking the hose and realized the top was on crooked. So I unscrewed the top again (insert incoherent mumbling here like son of a monkey's butt, etc etc etc) any who I got it all put back together.
I pushed the crapper back and tried to do the hose. There are cabinets above me, the washer to my right and I can't get between the two because of the nice "snug" fit. so I have one boob on one side of the dryer and the other boob on the back side (to help with balance of course) while sitting on the washer. Thank goodness I have monkey arms so I could reach the vent hose. I started to hook it in and realized I didn't have enough hose to reach so I crawled down, hit my head on the stupid cabinets, stepped on an acorn with my bare foot (don't ask why we have an acorn in the laundry room, just remember we have a 7 year old and that explains that) pushed the dryer back a bit, climbed back on the washer re braced myself (with my tatas) and went after it again. I got it hooked up! I got down (watched my head this time) scooted the dryer back, but pushed it too far so I crimped the house, pulled it back out climbed back on, didn't use my boobs this time, so I fell a little bit with my feet in the air caught myself with my hand before I hit the floor with my head (which still hurts by the way) fixed the house pulled my fat self up, griped about how much easier this would have been when I was younger and then looked at the dryer. It was out way to far. I pushed it in slightly, climbed back on the washer, put one leg down behind the dryer bent over kinked the hose slightly, pulled the dryer up closer to me and checked the hose. It was good I climbed out in some kind of cirque du soleil move and left that horrible room to get the wet laundry to put back in the dryer. I hate laundry and am never doing it again!

Friday, November 7, 2008

On a much ummm, perkier note!

So since I have no life (job) I sometimes go hang out at the bookstore with John, well, I go to hang out with John but he has to "work" so he says hi, but then does his job. Since Melanie is a horrible worker, I hang out with her instead!!! So, we were talking having fun, moving things around you know and discussing how we both wanted ice cream, anyway, I was about to leave all by myself (John wouldn't pay Melanie to go with me so she chose to stay, I know, how rude of John.) As I was about to walk out the door some other people came in. Well it was a boy and a girl and as soon as the girl got in, she stood up all straight and stretched her back. Let me draw a picture for you here. She stretched her back by pushing her boobs out farther than I thought was possible and sticking her butt out far enough to match. Well, I have nothing against stretching, but please don't violate my eyes with your tatas. What made it worse is she made this noise that should be saved for the bedroom if you know what I mean. I looked at Melanie all wide eyed and said, Oh, it's time to go (I was really just trying not to laugh.) Mel felt the same way because she grabbed her stuff and came with me!!! We laughed so hard the whole way to pick up Kailyn's cake and to get our ice cream. Melanie said the funniest thing too! We'd been talking politics all day and making not so nice comments about democrats (sorry democrats) anyway, she was talking about how she felt violated by that girls boobs, she said "they were working too hard, they needed to be a little less Republican, and a little more Democrat!" I almost pulled off the side of the road I was laughing so hard!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sad day in the Baney house (well, for me at least)

So yesterday and today I went through what was left of Kailyn's baby things. All of her memories are now packed up in an 18 gallon purple plastic storage container. Yup, 18 gallons. She turned 7 this week, and it's been over 5 1/2 years since John and I decided it was time for another one. Each year it seems I get rid of more and more things of hers. Why hold on to it? Before placing certain toys in this tote that was already half full of clothes I had to remove the batteries. With each toy I reached into and pulled out the insides I felt like I was ripping my own heart out. I do believe that one day I will have another child, but until then I am going to cry when I hear lullabies, feel incompetent as a woman, and get mad when people gripe about being pregnant "again." I am grateful for this experience though, it has made me a better mom, and I really appreciate how wonderful Kailyn is. I know, I know, it will happen when it's supposed to, as soon as I quit thinking about it, it will happen, and whatever cliché thing you want to say, I've heard it. On a funny note, my Mom did say something funny today. I usually am afraid to say anything about what may be going on with my body because someone always says "are you pregnant?" Example: I'd say "I have a headache" random person would say "are you pregnant" You may think I'm joking, but it really happens all the time. Anyway, so today I was telling Mom that I was not really very nauseated today so she said "oh, are you pregnant?" Oh, she's a funny one!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Since having Kailyn, I have decided that sleep is the most amazing of all of the functions we do as humans, really, it is. I find myself thinking of sleep by like 9 in the morning. Am I really that tired, or is it the fact that my brain no longer works as quickly as it once did and I think a nice power nap will help. In fact since having Kailyn nothing works like it once did. Am I alone in this, or are all you other women keeping it a secret from me?
Before Kailyn I never worried about lots of things like, lotion, sleep, my nails, my diet, if I'd peed that day or not, etc etc etc. Well, now I find myself asking Kailyn if she has to pee and then realizing it's like 4 in the afternoon and I haven't peed since I woke up that morning. I'm so dumb now. Really, I know, I know, some of you are like, Katie you've always been dumb, but that just simply isn't true. I never applied myself, but that doesn't mean I didn't have the capacity. Some people don't seem to notice, but those who weren't as close to me sure seem to notice. This may not make much sense, but trust me it's the truth. People who knew me and saw me frequently just see me as that goofy sarcastic kid they've known forever Oh, and the girl with a bad attitude, but odds are you were pissing me off, which happened a lot when I was like 16-18, due to extra hormones, mean doctors with bad news, and me just holding it all in. Those who didn't know me as well, saw what I was capable of, you know the part I never acted on. They are the ones who seems so shocked with my life, or lack of it. Well, this is just depressing, let's talk about pee again. Anyway Kailyn has given me a super bladder because she cried all the time, so when she was finally happy I refused to move, meaning I'd ignore my urge to go pee. Other things I've developed from pregnancy or birth that are still hanging around are dry skin, brittle nails, an even more super sensitive nose, and a big ol bunch of extra fat,(don't tell me I'm not fat, I'm not fishing for compliments here, I mean I've got an extra 35 pounds hanging around, I'm aware of it.) Was it all worth it? Heck ya, but was it just me? I swear with each push I lost brain cells (and I pushed for just over 3 hours.) I mean, I hear women talk about how they used to look, but is it just our bodies that change, or do we not talk about the rest? Oh, well, maybe it's just me.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Target part 2

If you haven't already read the first blog read it, then come back up here. I'll wait...Ok, so you should know that the friendly people I wrote about previously were checking out when we were ready and they were totally in the way so I actually picked up the front of her cart and moved it so we could pass, she tried to kill me with her eyes, it didn't work. I did notice that she bought 6 2 liters of soda and a bag of jet puffed marshmallows! Nice, eh? Ya, they totally could have gotten those at some other store, no need to ruin my Target with their nasty-ness.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I love Target, really I do. If I could take it out to dinner I would. I also hate Wal-Mart. What? Wal-Mart? Yup, I don't like them. I hate pretty much everything about them, no take that back, I do hate everything about them. I will go to Target and Kroger instead of stepping one foot in that "one stop" shopping heck hole. The point of this is sometimes I see people in MY Target (yes, Target is my boyfriend, but John doesn't care because he benefits from this affair) anywho, these people often make me think, what are you doing here? You can't possibly appreciate all of the wonderfulness that is Target, just go to Wal-Mart, or Freds or something and stay away from my honey (Target.) Well, I saw these types of people just the other day. John and I were there putting off painting our house and we saw this family. Actually we heard this family because they were yelling at each other. We looked at them, and then each other and realized our mouths were dropped. When they passed us we heard the mom yell something about ".... where they was." John and I both are annoyed by bad grammar so I mumbled under my breath were, and John looked at a Target employee (who was also staring open mouthed) and said "where they were, not was, but were." The employee just laughed. Well, this family came back by later and said something, we had been tuning them out because we could hear them even when they were far away. Well since they were close we decided to listen and see what they were saying, then we realized they wanted us to move so they could get by (which annoyed me because the isles at Target are wide enough that you can get two carts through at a time, we didn't really need to move.) Well, we quickly moved and stupid me and my stupid manners I said "oh, sorry" even though I was not in the wrong at all. Well, this greasy haired lady mumbled something derogatory about my lovely husband and I couldn't believe it. Why were these people here. They smelled horrible, well, I don't actually know this for a fact because I refused to breathe when they were around. I mean, one daughter had such greasy hair, I actually thought it was wet at first until she got closer and I saw the dandruff all over it. For future references I am gagging right now just thinking about it. I mean, hygiene it does a body good. It makes the world a better place, just freaking bath people! The point of this whole blog was that this experience got me thinking about why I like Target so much more than Wal-Mart. Here's a list:
Target has
nice big parking places
nice big isles inside
bright lights
informed employees
employees with good hygiene
they have a family bathroom
They have clean bathrooms
they even have nice toilet paper in these bathrooms
they have nice people at the pharmacy!
actually the whole pharmacy experience is amazing
they have cute things for Kailyn
they have cute things for my house, I mean really cute things
when you page for some help, your hear a recording that someone will be there to help in less than one minute, and you know what, they really are!
they donate insane amounts of money to the community with no expectation of a return
you can not sell things on their property (I get very annoyed by this at other places)
I almost never have to wait to check out
It's not loud in there
they have a snack bar (food and shopping, that makes a woman happy)
Ok, that's all I can think of for now.

Here's why I hate Wal-Mart
they are bullies
they often actually make people produce inferior products so they can sell them cheaper
they have small isles and spaces
I see more stretch marks and belly fat there than at the white trash carnival
It is loud
employees are disgruntle
I have never had a successful pharmacy experience there
nobody knows were anything is.....ever
I am often oogled at by old creepy men
Wal-mart is evidently a day care, as I see multiple unsupervised children there
carts squeak and are uncontrollable

Yuck, that's enough for now.
If I've offended you, sorry. More power to the people that have the patience to shop at Wal-Mart. I just don't, and looking at my budget, I'm not spending more money by avoiding Wal-Mart.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

No hot water!

So tonight I had to dye some ballet slippers for Kailyn's Halloween costume (I don't even feel like explaining this) and I was rinsing out the excess dye with some nice hot water. This went on forever, and ever, and ever.... anyway, there is still purple water coming out of them and I was tired on rinse ringing and repeating so I decided to put them in the washer. I set the washer to hot wash, cold rinse and a nice extra rinse. Well while rinsing I started the shower for Kailyn and asked her to get in (told her) and continued about my business. I told her to get in again, hurried her, raised my voice, etc. Then I started the washer and got a little more abrupt with her (you know, Kailyn Elizabeth, get your stinky butt in that shower before I take you out back and hose you off) anyway, I got the washer going and last I saw the kid she was just in her socks and panties, then she went into our bathroom. I thought the battle was over. I called my mom to tell her how the shoe dying went, and next thing I know, John is talking to Kailyn, in her room! I told my mom to hold on and yelled at her to get in the shower NOW! Well, she got in, butt naked (like most of us do) and said the water was cold. John turned up the hot and she checked it, with her head! Not her hand, she stuck her head under the water and guess what, we were out of hot water! She just stuck her head under nice cold water. Frigid water really. Oh, to be 6 again....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cool Mist Vaporizers!

Kailyn has been sick for a couple of weeks and I recently got her a cool mist vaporizer that looks like a froggy! Melanie suggested it and said it really made her feel better. I thought it would help Kailyn because she had this dry hacky cough at night. Well it may have just been a coincidence, but she stopped coughing the night we put it in there. She had some cough syrup in her too, but it alone wasn't working. That was the best $35 I've ever spent. I think I may steal the frog tonight!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Am I sick, or just stupid?

So, for those of you who know me, you probably know I hate being sick. It honestly annoys the crap out of me. I also have a complex (as a child I was always told I was a wus, not by my parents of course) and this complex makes me keep going, even when my body is begging me to stop. Well, my "cold" or "allergies" have turned into a full case of nasty. I now wheeze when I breath, and I constantly feel like I need to cough. Well, it hurts to cough, so I don't want to. I decided to break out the big guns and take this cough syrup I had prescribed to me a year ago. It has a narcotic in it, so I thought this would help. I was going to take some the other day, but thought it had expired, well no, I am just dumb and was thinking it was 2009. Tonight I realized it hadn't expired so I took some. I also took two benadryl at 7. Well here's where it gets funny (dumb) I was taking my nightly aleve (well, it seems like I take it nightly) and I was about to pop 2 benadryl in too, but then I realized that I had taken 2 only 2 hours ago. So I spit one out, but not the other one because it was already in my throat. I thought it would be okay tough, I mean it's just an extra benadryl right? Wrong. I just looked up my cough syrup because I was wondering if I could take more because I am still coughing. Well turns out my cough syrup also has an antihistamine in it. Here's what it said:
Tussionex contains a combination of chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone. Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine that reduces the natural chemical histamine in the body. Histamine can produce symptoms of sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and runny nose. Hydrocodone is a narcotic cough suppressant.
So, what this means is, one I am doped up on bendaryl, which makes me loopy anyway,and occasionally makes me dream while awake, if that makes sense. I also have some other antihistamine in me, with a nice narcotic chaser. So, if anyone wants a good laugh, call me, I am evidently about to be very entertaining, or at the least, I'm about to be very easily entertained.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I've been tagged?!?


8 Things I did today...
1. Took Kailyn to the doctor
2. Gracefully turned down a very audacious 16 year old who hit on me (it was actually kind of funny)
3. Took Kailyn to Pizza Inn
5. Made dinner
6. Shaved my legs (finally) :)
7. Fell back asleep after the alarm went off (I never, ever do this)
8. Told my kid to suck it up, she's going to school tomorrow (I'm trying to be the meanest mom possible so that I can get more dirty looks when we are out in public, I mean really, I think I want more women to glare at me. (that was said with much sarcasm by the way)

8 Shows I love (in no particular order)
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Boston Legal
3. David Letterman
4. Private Practice
5. How I Met Your Mother
6. CSI Miami
7. 2 1/2 Men
8. Big Bang Theory

8 Restaurants I love
1. Firehouse
2. Market Place
3. Colton's
4. Applebees
5. Chick Fil A
6. That's kind of it, I mean after all the fertility drugs, I've thrown up everything else, so that's all I can think of when I go there now. YUMMY!

8 Things I am looking forward to.......

1. Actually getting into a routine (HA!)
2. All of us getting over the "crud" (you know, what Kailyn has that I told her to suck up!)
3. Redoing my closet (well, not the actual doing, but the end product)
4. Some Saturday, when we don't have a major project planned and John is home all day (HA! again)
5. A nice vacation for us all
6. A nice vacation for just John and I (wink wink)
7. That one imaginary day when everyone is healthy, the entire "to do" list is done, and all the bills paid, the laundry done, the house spotless, etc etc etc (this will never happen, believe me, I've tried, I spent the first 5 years of my marriage trying for it)
8. The day that I can finally give Kailyn a sibling (this too, isn't looking possible, but I'm nuts enough to keep trying for that too!)

8 things I am wishing for.......

1. A child that is thankful for what she has and aware of how lucky she is!
2. A wonderful large kitchen, with double ovens, extra sink, ya know, all the good stuff!
3. Nice weather all year!
4. A magical fairy that cleans up after us all
5. Someone to pay off our student loans
6. Another kid (or 3)
7. Our new garage to be done! (I'm not very patient, I mean, just build it already)
8. Happily Ever After (good choice Monica, I'll keep it!)

8 People I Tag
1. Sister Martindale
2. Celeste
3. Laura
4. Cindi
5. Anya
6. Aubrey
Oh, that's sad. That's all I've got. I need more friends!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My sister ran the 5 K

I'm so proud of her. She ran in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure. Here's the part that cracks me up though, in the same sentence where she tells me she ran today, she says she had a krispy kreme in the middle of the 5 K. That's my kind of race. When she was all done she went with her friend Lana and ate breakfast. She had a nice big pecan pancake. See, it's genetic. I can't help my sweet tooth, it's programmed in me, and my sister.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Due to many requests.......the possum

I've had some requests to tell the possum story, so here it goes, it's a long one, this has been going on for a year.

First, I love our house, it's not big, but it's big enough. I love our neighborhood, we are around other families like us, not a bunch of renters. We are close to Kailyn's school, which means we are by a playground. Oh, and we've redone pretty much everything, which means, it's just like I like it.
Second, I used to love wildlife, I'm a sucker for animals, any mammal is my friend. Yes, that means I'm heartless when it comes to reptiles, well some of them, like snakes.
Third, I used to like squirrels.

More background:
-We used to have a nice wooded area and huge field by our neighborhood......used to.
-Wildlife lived there
-Wildlife had moved, to our neighborhood
-I hate wildlife

Ok, now to the fun part. Rats, quite possible the most disgusting of creations. Nasty, greasy germy, virus ridden, bacteria covered rodents... Ugh, I feel sick.

Well maybe you need more background, I hate germs. I sometimes throw things away because I can't get them "clean enough." You could have performed surgery in my bedroom in high school, yes, it was that clean. Oh, what a joyous feeling just thinking about it, but I digress. Back to the rats.

Rats moved into our neighborhood, along with raccoons, possums, excessive amounts of squirrels, rabbits, etc. These rats found a way to get under my deck (which is why we ripped it up and replaced it with concrete, take that nasty hooker rats.) These rats also found a hole in my concrete slab and found a way to get under our bathroom tub in Kailyn's bathroom. Long story short we could sometimes smell their urine and no amount of alcohol, glorious alcohol, can fix that. The smell of urine now creates an inner rage in me that would make the Incredible Hulk jealous.

Now to the possums, told you this was long. The stupid possums like to hang around and piss my dog off, hence making her bark, thereby making me furious. I don't like waking up at 2 am just to call the dog off so they will go away. These ignorant creatures will just stay put when they feel threatened, no matter the situation. Well, John and I decided we should just start shooting them with a b b gun or a pellet gun, maybe that would scare them off. I actually wanted to by a freaking rifle and shoot the little crappers, but John wouldn't let me. We settled on borrowing my brothers old b b gun instead. Well Friday night Kailyn was spending the night with my parents so John and I had a date (we went to Target) and then we decided to by b b's just in case the possum came back that night. Off the Wal-Mart we went. While looking for the correct size of ammunition we ran across a semi automatic pellet gun, my heart raced, John laughed at me, we didn't buy it. We got what we needed and went home. While pulling into the driveway I asked John if he thought we'd get to use it tonight, he said he hoped so. We get out of the car and hear Annabelle barking......YAYE, let's do this! Well, I ran in and loaded that gun up so fast. John kept a light of that dumb nasty ugly freak of a creature and I started shooting. Well, just so you know you can shoot a possum 30 times and it won't move. John took some shots, hit him in the face even, and he wouldn't move. He was now bleeding, but still on our fence. I was determined to make him leave and never return.
Warning: This next part will show a side of me some of you don't know about, and may find shocking, so if you like the sweet, nice, loving Katie, don't read. If you actually know me, read on, you won't be shocked.
John went in real quick and I moved in closer and started aiming for more "delicate" spots (the underside of his butt.) Well, that scared him because he peed on my fence. Well possum urine smells like rat piss and so I felt this inner rage. I swear my eyes turned red. I starting pumping that gun so fast and moving in. I was going to kill that #!&%* even if it killed me. I was mumbling incoherently about rodents and how I hated them all, even squirrels now. They all needed to die, die, die! Well he was now bleeding and still sitting on that fence, I had flames coming from my ears, steam off my head, and b b's from my gun. Well he was holding on for dear life, so I shot his foot. Yes, I did, I know, ruthless, I don't care that crapper pissed on my fence. John came back out to see me pumping and shooting as fast as I could. He asked what happened while his was in the house, and I told him that the crapper was stupid enough to piss on my fence and then asked him if he knew that possum piss smelled like rat piss. I then picked up a rock and started throwing rocks at him to knock him off our fence. That didn't work, he wouldn't let go. John suggesting just knocking him over with a rake, but then I explained if the rake touched him, the rake would become dead to me. Well, due to the recent construction, we have these huge dirt clumps, made of nice clay soil. I used those to knock him off our side, but he was hanging on the other side of the fence, I could still see his tail. I then threw the clumps over the fence until there was no sign of him left. Thank goodness my daddy taught me how to not throw like I girl.

Long story short, there is a heavily wounded possum, probably blind in one eye, with b b's up his butt, walking around on 3 legs, with a sever concussion. When he comes back, I'm buying that semi automatic pellet gun. Teach that thing to piss on my fence.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just a tip for my fellow mothers!

So Kailyn got sick last night, by sick I mean she threw up a LOT! Now, before I tell you of my new miracle product, let me brag on John. Kailyn ran into our bathroom, and threw up on the floor, multiple times. Poor kid couldn't even get a break. I got her clothes off and put her in the shower. John was eating cake in the living room, so I started to clean up the mess. Well, even though I've done this many many many times, I just couldn't last night. I almost added to the mess. I ran out of there and told John, so he went and cleaned it up! I mean, he did a man job, but he got the big pile of it. I was so proud of him! Now back to the miracle product. We all know that vomit smells, well, like vomit. Lysol kills the germs and then your bathroom smells like vomit and lysol. Well, I bought some Mr. Clean with febreeze and we used that and it was amazing. 10 minutes after "the incident" you couldn't even smell it! Our bathroom smelled good. So the next time your littles angels go all exorcist on you, use some Mr. Clean with febreeze and you'll be good as new in no time. Now all I need to do is figure out how many times I'll have to wash those towels before I feel like they are usable again. Probably never.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

How did I forget?

In order for you to fully understand my frustration expressed in my last post you must know how Kailyn lost her second tooth. It was crazy loose, but of course she acted like I was trying to cutt off her leg if I tried to touch it. I decided to sneak in her room when she was asleep and give it a little ol' tug. The first night I tried it, I went in with a tissue on hand so my fingers wouldn't just slip off. Well, the tissue kept tickling her nose, so I decided to leave her alone and try again the next night. When she woke up the next morning I was in my bathroom getting ready for the day and she came in with this crazy look on her face. She didn't say anything, she just walked to the mirror, stared at her mouth for a minute then looked at me and said "Momma, last night I had a crazy dream!" I asked her what it was and she said "Well, I dreamed the tooth fairy came and tried to pull out me tooth!" It took all I had not to just fall in the floor laughing. I guess I disturbed her sleep more than I thought I did. The next night, I went in ready to get this done. I had tied tissue on my fingers with floss, in order to reduce slippage and not tickle her nose. I snuck in, pulled down that pouty bottom lip of hers and pulled her tooth, it pretty much just fell into my tissue covered fingers. I was so excited I ran into my room yelling "John, John, I pulled out her tooth" I was so proud of myself, she never even woke up.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Kailyn lost another dumb tooth

So, before I even tell you how she lost her latest tooth, there are some things you should know. She will leave a tooth in for as long as possible, way way way longer than you would think a tooth can stay in. The tooth before this almost sent me to the insane asylum. It was so loose, it moved when she talked. I took her to the dentist before we went out of town, because I didn't want any problems with it while we were gone. It was so loose that I was afraid food was getting caught between the top of her tooth and her gums. She convinced the dentist that he didn't really want to pull her tooth. She left the dentist with a fully numb mouth, and a toy. I left with a bad attitude and a kid with a freakishly loose tooth. She ended up loosing it when John smacked it out of her mouth. Yup, he smacked it out. We were driving home from Kentucky and she had it sticking out of her mouth, taunting me with it. I looked at John and said get that dumb tooth out now! Right now! He said, "we're not going to forget this trip for a long time." He unbuckled, turned around and said he was going to smack that tooth out. Kailyn was laughing so hard, she though he was joking. He literally swatted the tooth our of her mouth. He had to tell her it was in her lap, she didn't even believe him. With the exception of her first tooth, all of them have been a battle. She lost her first tooth by biting into a pear, we had no clue it was even loose, she was still in preschool. I, of course, wasn't prepared for her to do yet another thing earlier than her peers. Well, this last tooth fell out of her mouth. She wasn't touching it, she wasn't eating. It just fell out. It dropped on the floor. I mean, who lets their tooth get that loose? Now when people ask her who pulled her tooth, she can say gravity did. It has been loose since April by the way. Yup about 6 months, for one tooth. 6 down, way too many to go. I'll never make it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I just wanted to put up a picture of our daughter, isn't she beautiful. She was admiring her Christmas tree from last year.

Why not?

Everyone is doing it, so I guess I will too. I love to blog stalk, so it is only fair that I contribute to the blogging world. Here are some things about me/this blog you should know:
1. Don't expect much, I'm not that entertaining
2. Don't expect many updates, I love to procrastinate
3. Don't expect yummy recipes, I'm too lazy to copy those down, not to mention, I seldom measure.
4. I will probably write stories about Kailyn that I find hilarious, because she cracks me up.
5. I had to have a "pretty" number, so I added the 5. Yes, I am crazy, but it's under control.

That's all for now!