Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cool Mist Vaporizers!

Kailyn has been sick for a couple of weeks and I recently got her a cool mist vaporizer that looks like a froggy! Melanie suggested it and said it really made her feel better. I thought it would help Kailyn because she had this dry hacky cough at night. Well it may have just been a coincidence, but she stopped coughing the night we put it in there. She had some cough syrup in her too, but it alone wasn't working. That was the best $35 I've ever spent. I think I may steal the frog tonight!


Janae' said...

Yes, I always use Whole Wheat Graham Flour, but it does drive me insane sometimes because it is definately NOT as pretty as white but much more filling so the food lasts longer.. :)

Cindi said...

Good deal, glad it appears to have helped! Love you!

Monica said...

I had to talk Melanie into using our frog for a few nights :) Its cute, huh?