Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I've been tagged?!?


8 Things I did today...
1. Took Kailyn to the doctor
2. Gracefully turned down a very audacious 16 year old who hit on me (it was actually kind of funny)
3. Took Kailyn to Pizza Inn
5. Made dinner
6. Shaved my legs (finally) :)
7. Fell back asleep after the alarm went off (I never, ever do this)
8. Told my kid to suck it up, she's going to school tomorrow (I'm trying to be the meanest mom possible so that I can get more dirty looks when we are out in public, I mean really, I think I want more women to glare at me. (that was said with much sarcasm by the way)

8 Shows I love (in no particular order)
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Boston Legal
3. David Letterman
4. Private Practice
5. How I Met Your Mother
6. CSI Miami
7. 2 1/2 Men
8. Big Bang Theory

8 Restaurants I love
1. Firehouse
2. Market Place
3. Colton's
4. Applebees
5. Chick Fil A
6. That's kind of it, I mean after all the fertility drugs, I've thrown up everything else, so that's all I can think of when I go there now. YUMMY!

8 Things I am looking forward to.......

1. Actually getting into a routine (HA!)
2. All of us getting over the "crud" (you know, what Kailyn has that I told her to suck up!)
3. Redoing my closet (well, not the actual doing, but the end product)
4. Some Saturday, when we don't have a major project planned and John is home all day (HA! again)
5. A nice vacation for us all
6. A nice vacation for just John and I (wink wink)
7. That one imaginary day when everyone is healthy, the entire "to do" list is done, and all the bills paid, the laundry done, the house spotless, etc etc etc (this will never happen, believe me, I've tried, I spent the first 5 years of my marriage trying for it)
8. The day that I can finally give Kailyn a sibling (this too, isn't looking possible, but I'm nuts enough to keep trying for that too!)

8 things I am wishing for.......

1. A child that is thankful for what she has and aware of how lucky she is!
2. A wonderful large kitchen, with double ovens, extra sink, ya know, all the good stuff!
3. Nice weather all year!
4. A magical fairy that cleans up after us all
5. Someone to pay off our student loans
6. Another kid (or 3)
7. Our new garage to be done! (I'm not very patient, I mean, just build it already)
8. Happily Ever After (good choice Monica, I'll keep it!)

8 People I Tag
1. Sister Martindale
2. Celeste
3. Laura
4. Cindi
5. Anya
6. Aubrey
Oh, that's sad. That's all I've got. I need more friends!


Martindale News said...

I love reading your blog, you are haliarious! But you really are an adult now and my first name is appropriate. :)

Laura said...

OK Katie I finally finished mine. The favorite TV show one was hard b/c I mostly watch Lifetime movies that I've recorded from LMN. The older ones are better. And I do hope you get your family vacation & vacation with just you & John.

Katie said...

katie i love you ..you are so darn cute and funny...are you teaching this year??

Cindi said...

i have to do this one and post on my site

Cindi said...

mine's done... :P