Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Years Resolutions

This year the only resolutions I am making are the ones I can keep. Say good bye to the old ones, lose weight, save more money, stop yelling, get in shape, keep my house spotless at all time, go on a date with John at least twice a month, read a book a month, take up a hobby, and whatever else I can think of. I've made them and broken them in the past. This year will be different, I am going to stick to my guns this year. I'll find the willpower that has always evaded me in the past. So here's to a new year and a new life. A life where goals are kept. So here are my goals for the year.
I will yell at least 5 times a week!
I will attempt to set up dates with John and make sure to hardly ever follow through!
I will gain weight this year!
I will make sure that at least once a week, I have a mess in my house somewhere that needs to me picked up, a mess that is big enough to bother me!
I want to look a little more frumpy/rounded this year. No need for toned and tight!
I want to put off reading books that are recommended to me and ignore at least half of them.
I will make sure to take up no hobbies!
Last but not least, I want more wrinkles! Yes WRINKLES!!!

I think I can accomplish these, what about you?

Friday, December 26, 2008

Bagpipes :(

So I have this neighbor who plays the bagpipes. Yup the bagpipes. This is not an attractive instrument, and it sounds like a sick moose's mating call mixed with a drunk bull frog with a wee bit of scared cat. Well, at least that's what it sounds like when my neighbor plays. He is very dedicated. He practices almost daily, right in the middle of the day. I didn't sleep well at all last night so I thought I'd try and take a little 20 minute power nap before the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert, so I set my alarm, laid down my head and turned off the TV, only to hear the beginning of bag pipe practice. Ever slept while someone plays Amazing Grace on the freaking bag pipes just 10 yards away from your bedroom window? No, of course you haven't, not because you don't know anyone who plays the bagpipes, but because it isn't possible to sleep under those conditions. There is a small change those pipes may bust by next weekend.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Baby it's cold outside.

The joys of ice....
I really have enjoyed the weather lately. Some of my favorite things about the bad weather are....
-you can skip errands,and have a good excuse to do so
-it is a good reason to hold your kids hand and RUN into the store (literally run)
-for some reason it is always funny when you slip around
-The dog just doesn't seem to know to walk on it. She just prances around on it.
-Warm baked goods are a necessity (like I need an excuse to eat sweets)

I even get a kick out of driving on ice. I mean I obey ALL of those silly traffic laws when the road is covered in a nice smooth sheet of ice. I actually went 20mph down the road, I don't think I've ever done that before, even though that is the posted speed limit. I also obeyed the "safe following distance" rule, even though I usually ignore it (no, I don't drive on your butt, but I am close enough to get a good look at it. Not to mention actually checking the intersection before going through it, just in case someone else isn't stopping.

This being said, I can't wait for spring.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

DWI Kills?

So the other day on my way to Target (of course) I saw a white sports car that said DWI kills. Upon further inspection I saw a little girl 8 maybe, in the front seat, no car seat, just sitting in the front of a sports car, on the way to the interstate. This car had a back seat mind you! I was furious, ya, DWI kills, know what else kills? Ignorant mothers who don’t take the time to realize how dangerous letting a small child ride in the front seat is! In the even of a crash if the seat belt didn’t kill her (from not fitting properly because of the child’s size) the air bag would! We won’t get into specifics, but it is a horrible way to go if a child is hit by an airbag. Why do these people get to procreate?

Here are Arkansas child safety guidelines:

-Children under 60 pounds, irregardless of age, MUST use a safety seat.
-Sitting in the front seat is not “recommended” unless the child is at least 12 years of age.
-All minors must be buckled.
-Rear facing until 1 year and 20 lbs. This has to do with spinal development, don’t tamper with this rule. It can easily lead to death or paralysis.

I know I seem hard core, but there are these rules for a reason. I know when we were kids these rules weren’t in play, but, when we were kids the infant crash mortality rate was significantly higher. Accidents are still the number one killer of children under the age of 10.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Well, it's that time of year when we are supposed to stop and think about what we are thankful for. I know that ideally we would think about it all through the year, and I do try, but sometimes I forget to. So here's a list of what I am thankful for (in no particular order)
-Kailyn. She is the most wonderful thing in my life and I would trade anything and everything for her. I honestly feel like no one in the history of the world has ever loved and adored another human as much as I love and adore her.
-John, he has put up with me for over 8 years, and lived to tell the tale!!! He has changed so much since we met (as have I) and he continues to impress me every day. I love him so much now, it's hard to believe that I considered it love in the beginning! I am truly lucky to have a man who loves me and my flaws :)
-My parents, they are constantly there when I need them. That is priceless. Not to mention that Kailyn needs them involved in her daily life, she calls them all the time, and when she asks them to come over and kiss her knee when she falls, they do, no matter what time it is, or what they were doing.
-My brother, sister, and sister-in-law. We may not talk everyday, but I know they are there if I need them, and that is a comforting thought.
-My home. It's safe, warm, and comfortable. I have so many memories in the house, and think that I've painted it more in the 3 years we've lived here, than in it's entire life before us!!! I get sick of the same look all the time, you know?
-My car. I know that may seem silly, but I'm in the car a lot, so I'm glad I have one. I'm also glad that I have a reliable vehicle that I like. I've had reliable before, but it wasn't as pretty.
-My religion. It comforts me, it strengthens me, and it makes me thankful for my trials. I've never had a trial that didn't make me stronger. When I wanted to quit one semester, I only needed to pray (a LOT) and that helped me get through it all. I kept on, even when my body wanted me to stop. My denomination (LDS) also gives me the additional knowledge that a family is an eternal thing, and death will not separate me from my family, and it is my duty to work towards that every day of my life. Life is a joy and a blessing, and eternity is even better.
-John's job. He works waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much (that "way" should be longer, but you get the point.) He likes what he does though, so he's an overall happier person because of it.
-My degree, it is a mish mosh of knowledge that helps me in everything from money, to parenting, to nutrition, to psychology, to even reading blue prints. I tell you, it comes in handy.

That's all I've got for now, but I know there is so much more. I hope you all enjoyed your time off, and I hope you got to spend it with those most dear to you.