Friday, December 26, 2008

Bagpipes :(

So I have this neighbor who plays the bagpipes. Yup the bagpipes. This is not an attractive instrument, and it sounds like a sick moose's mating call mixed with a drunk bull frog with a wee bit of scared cat. Well, at least that's what it sounds like when my neighbor plays. He is very dedicated. He practices almost daily, right in the middle of the day. I didn't sleep well at all last night so I thought I'd try and take a little 20 minute power nap before the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert, so I set my alarm, laid down my head and turned off the TV, only to hear the beginning of bag pipe practice. Ever slept while someone plays Amazing Grace on the freaking bag pipes just 10 yards away from your bedroom window? No, of course you haven't, not because you don't know anyone who plays the bagpipes, but because it isn't possible to sleep under those conditions. There is a small change those pipes may bust by next weekend.


Laura said...

Goodness. Your neighbor needs to find a new hobby b/c apparently that one isn't working out.

Cindi said...

thats horrid, i am so sorry for you hon! :)