Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sad day in the Baney house (well, for me at least)

So yesterday and today I went through what was left of Kailyn's baby things. All of her memories are now packed up in an 18 gallon purple plastic storage container. Yup, 18 gallons. She turned 7 this week, and it's been over 5 1/2 years since John and I decided it was time for another one. Each year it seems I get rid of more and more things of hers. Why hold on to it? Before placing certain toys in this tote that was already half full of clothes I had to remove the batteries. With each toy I reached into and pulled out the insides I felt like I was ripping my own heart out. I do believe that one day I will have another child, but until then I am going to cry when I hear lullabies, feel incompetent as a woman, and get mad when people gripe about being pregnant "again." I am grateful for this experience though, it has made me a better mom, and I really appreciate how wonderful Kailyn is. I know, I know, it will happen when it's supposed to, as soon as I quit thinking about it, it will happen, and whatever cliché thing you want to say, I've heard it. On a funny note, my Mom did say something funny today. I usually am afraid to say anything about what may be going on with my body because someone always says "are you pregnant?" Example: I'd say "I have a headache" random person would say "are you pregnant" You may think I'm joking, but it really happens all the time. Anyway, so today I was telling Mom that I was not really very nauseated today so she said "oh, are you pregnant?" Oh, she's a funny one!


Janae' said...

I am sorry :(

John, Katie, Kailyn said...

It really is ok, this has made me much stronger person. Not to mention since John stuck with me through all of those fertility drugs, he's seen me at my worse! He really must love me!!! :)

Laura said...

I thought you were going to say someone had died when I first read your title! Not being a mom myself yet I don't have much insight to give but to hang in there! AND I know what you mean about people asking are you pregnant when you mention certain symptoms or are looking a little puggy!

The Crace's said...

I've already told you how you can get preggers tomorrow. Think about it. It worked the first time :)

Cindi said...

keep your chin up you said it will all work out / happen when it is supposed to. love you!

Monica said...

I have a new Hillary Weeks CD with a great song called Just Let me Cry.... I think there are days where you just want people to let you cry b/c no matter what they say it does not take away the hurt. :) Let me know if you wanna borrow it.