Monday, November 3, 2008

Target part 2

If you haven't already read the first blog read it, then come back up here. I'll wait...Ok, so you should know that the friendly people I wrote about previously were checking out when we were ready and they were totally in the way so I actually picked up the front of her cart and moved it so we could pass, she tried to kill me with her eyes, it didn't work. I did notice that she bought 6 2 liters of soda and a bag of jet puffed marshmallows! Nice, eh? Ya, they totally could have gotten those at some other store, no need to ruin my Target with their nasty-ness.


Laura said...

I know what you mean. When Chris & I were first married we were in Sav-a-lot nicely dressed b/c we'd just gotten off work, and this nasty filthy stanking family of abou 8 stared @ us the entire time we were in there. Some people think they are so superior.

John, Katie, Kailyn said...

Isn't it funny how the people who think the are superior often smell the worst!

Cindi said...

too funny! at least you didn't have your bee-bee gun with you! :) otherwise that lady would be singing another tune, huh? hahahaha