I LOVE to chew on ice. I sometimes go make myself and nice big cup of crushed ice. It is delicious! I want to eat it all day, every day. I'm pretty sure I could just stop eating all together if I would fully indulge my ice eating habits. This started back at the end of February when I was in a particualarly horrible situation. I was stressed, and well, I had no control over any of it. I soon after noticed my stomach was hurting. I began eating ice, a LOT. This went on until the last week in April, when I woke up in horrible pain (I'd been doing that for a few weeks) and was going to eat some more Tums, but realized, Tums wouldn't help, I was sooo nauseated. I ran to the bathroom and (don't read this if you have a week stomach) and threw up. I noticed it was very metallic in taste so I flipped on the light, and was shocked to find out it was red. I decided it was time to go to the doctor (I know, I know, DUH, I should have gone a month ago, but I hate doctors and I hate wussy people.) I made the arrangements that morning, and after some blood work, found out my hemoglobin was very low and needless to say I was anemic, and my overall blood count was low. This was caused by a severe case of gastritis. This gastritis was also the reason I lost a wonderful 15 pounds (in a matter of just 3 weeks, don't feel sorry for me though, cause dangit, I looked good, well besides the fact my face had no color and even my gums had turned white.) Gastritis in an inflammation in the lining of your stomach, that had caused me to bleed. I was told to be on bed rest, and to take iron supplements, or just be a big girl and go to the hospital. I picked the bed rest. I realized then that my ice chewing was related to my anemia. Here's what mayo clinic says about that:
It's not known why some people with iron deficiency anemia crave and chew ice. Researchers from one recent study suggested it may be because of ice's pain-relieving properties, since some people with iron deficiency anemia experience tongue pain and inflammation (glossitis). The same researchers found that ice has a new and better taste to some people who are iron deficient.
I must concur. Ice is delicious! I don't think I'm anemic now, I think I just really love how it tastes. Which is funny, because I don't like the taste of water. Any who, I know it's bad for my teeth, but goodness, it tastes wonderful. When I'm done eating lunch I just want to sit there and eat my ice, it takes all I have to walk away. In fact I was at a special luncheon sitting next to the head of our department at school, and while she was talking to me, all I could think of is "how tacky would it be for me to get a big ol bunch of ice and chew on it." I resisted the urge but the second she turned to greet someone else I took a big swig of my drink and let some of that sweet wonderful ice get in my mouth so I could chew on it. AAAhhh relief! I'm no longer stressed, but I just can't kick the habit. It's so good. In fact I'm eating some now, I just poured my drink down the drain in order to access the ice more easily!! YUMMY!!!
3 years ago
At least your addiction isn't as harmful as lots of other things! But glad to hear you are feeling better.
I'm so glad to know I'm not alone! I too LOVE crunching ice. I hit the crushed ice button on the fridge and fill up a cup add a small amount of water and dig in sometimes with a spoon. :) It is addicting somehow, I do it at restaurants too. OOps! :)
It is good but it is quite annoying to the person sitting next you.... unless they are eating ice too!
I just remembered that me & Katherine used to sneak ice cubes to eat at bedtime. And we had to be so quiet, but they were so good. A weird thing to sneak around with huh! But there was so many people living in our house I guess ice was sacred too, and we weren't supposed to be seen up after bedtime anyway!
You are a freak I tell ya... just a plain ole' ice lovin' girl.
ice addition, now i have heard it all!!!! :):):)
someone,(and no not me), told me that chewing ice is a sign of frustration.
Are you frustrated a lot Katie? lol...
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