Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So today I went to go to the lovely Fertility Dr again. John and I decided to try another round of fertility drugs and see what happened, well today I paid $240 for a lovely vaginal ultra sound and a 10 minute visit with Dr. Batres. Dr. Moutis (Jon Lovitz) must not want me anymore. I knew this whole time it didn't work, I just didn't want it to be true. So the new plan is for me to wait a week and then take some more prometrium (progesterone that makes me have a period) except this time.....duh duh duh, I have to use a vaginal suppository. I have said vaginal twice in this post, new record. Anywho, I can try another round of fertility, some non approved drugs that are crazy and hard on the body, I have to sign a concent form for them. I think we may wait a bit to try again, even though my body handled this round better than the rounds in the past, it is wearing me down. That was the 10th round of drugs I had done. So now you all know. I am insanely horrible irreversibly broken. Kailyn really truly is my miracle child. At least Batres (who's foreign) made me giggle a bit every time he said intercourse with his little accent. :)

1 comment:

Laura said...

Thinking about you...